Popular ‘Kosher’ Yoga and Fitness Studio in Crown Heights

Sarede Switzer, a guru in “kosher” yoga, runs a successful yoga and fitness studio in Crown Heights, NY with a mostly religious, female client base.

“The majority of my clientele are Jewish religious women who don’t feel so comfortable going to a regular yoga studio, where it’s a mixed class or a religious element like an idol or chanting.”

While Switzer is not into trends like Torah Yoga and Kabbalah Yoga, she does believe in bringing this wonderful form of physical and mental exercise into religious, Jewish communities and making it more accessible to them. For example, Switzer won’t use the term “sun salutations” for the common yoga flow series but will utilize the movements and make it more Jewish-friendly. As the demand for yoga grew in the Jewish community, Switzer moved away from teaching in private homes and opened her studio. The studio has even branched out to include a popular “Jewmba” class and a highly anticipated all mens Yoga class.

The interest in Kosher Yoga has grown so much that Sarede and Kinneret Feuer have successfully been running a Yoga Teacher Training course in Toronto, New York, and Israel, suitable for Jewish women of all backgrounds. The next New York training begins August 4th and the next Israel training begins July 7th.

For more information about Crown Heights Fitness, check out: http://www.crownheightsfitness.com

For more information on Sarede and Kinneret’s Yoga Teacher Training, check out: http://www.kinneretyogatraining.com/

Keep up the great work, ladies!


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