Keter Yoga in NJ

“Keter” means “crown” in Hebrew and is the name of a new studio in New Jersey, writes Aviva Melissa Frank.

For those seeking female only yoga classes a new studio has opened in West Orange, NJ. Keter Yoga, is a women’s only studio offering daily classes, except on Fridays and Shabbat, in asana (poses), pranyama (breath) and meditation. Jacki Routhenstein, founder and teacher, has a background in reiki, ayurvedic medicine and sound healing and incorporates these modalities and aspects into her private and semi-private classes.

Many women prefer to practice yoga with only other women. This could be for religious or modesty reasons, female empowerment reasons or that classes are slightly catered more to the x chromosome audience. This phenomenon has been seen across the fitness and wellness spectrum, from female only gyms (Curves) to female only 5ks and half- marathons (Divas).


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