On May 30th 2021 we held the first-ever International Jewish Yoga Conference. 14 presenters, 470 participants registered, an 90 minutes of Jewish yogic inspiration! Here is the programme below. This event was made possible through the ROI Community Grassroots Events program.
This was followed by a Kislev International Jewish Yoga Festival in December 2021, and a further International Jewish Yoga Conference in 2022.
As yet there are no further events planned, but we hope you enjoy the video below.
- Breathe & Warm-up - Marcus J Freed
- What is Torah Yoga? (interview) - Diane Bloomfield
- Yoga for Higher Alignment (yoga practice session) - Deborah Glassman
- A Word from Our Founder - Estelle Eugene
- Mr Iyengar and the Jewish Yoga story - Ida Unger
- The Sound of Your Soul - Cantor Lisa Levine (meditation)
- Yoga and Meditation in the Synagogue - Rabbi Yonah Bookstein (interview)
- Kabbalah Yoga (yoga practice session) - Audi Gozlan
- Finding the Balance (panel) - Julie Emden, Maxine Levy, Roland Brandman & Steve Gold
- Yoga for Divine Wisdom and Clarity (yoga practice session) - Jenna Zadaka
- Off the Mat & Into the World (Q & A) Marcus J Freed
- Shalom, Farewell & Closing Meditation
The Sound of Your Soul by Lisa Levine - https://spoti.fi/2R6085B
The Kosher Sutras: A Yogi's Guide to the Torah https://amzn.to/2K0EFUi (includes a practice & essay for every parsha/weekly Torah)
The Kabbalah Sutras: A Yogi's Guide to Counting the Omer https://amzn.to/2Z9pjmH (includes essay & practice for every day of the Omer)
The Festive Sutras: A Yogi’s Guide to Shabbat & Jewish Festivals https://amzn.to/3vkR0se (includes 'The Yogi's Hagaddah', practices for every festival, along with 'Ethics of the Yogis').
Sacred Shapes poster: A look at the holy letters and the yoga poses they mirror http://www.kosheryoga.net/poster.html
Our teachers and speakers include:
Audi Gozlan - Audi teaches Kabalah Yoga , a system of movement and meditation based on shaping the body in the Hebrew letters, the sacred shapes. He offers a meditative flow that brings one deep into the body and soul. www.kabalahyoga.com
Deborah Glassman - Deb Glassman leads a spiritual yoga practice called Shabbhakti, steeped in Jewish tradition and philosophy. She encourages an embodied experience of the teachings of Torah and Judaic wisdom. Off the mat, Deb is a practicing physician, parent, partner and performer. www.shabbhakti.com
Diane Bloomfield is the author of Torah Yoga: Experiencing Jewish Wisdom through Classic Postures. Diane has been teaching Torah and Torah Yoga for more than 30 years. She is currently working on her new book, Playing with Fire: Secret Torah Doorways. Diane lives in Jerusalem with her husband and daughter. www.torahyoga.com
Estelle Eugene - Estelle founded Yoga Mosaic, which eventually became the Jewish Yoga Network! She has taught Yoga since 1982. Estelle have always loved the connections and complementary similarities found in Judaism and Yogic teachings and have been involved with the Jewish Yoga Network from inception.
Ida Unger - Ida has taught Iyengar yoga for over 30 years. She connects the poses and the holy Hebrew letters, as both systems offer shapes that connect heaven and earth. www.Kosheryoga.net
Jenna Zadaka - Jenna blends Jewish ancient wisdom with mindfulness and movement practices into feminine, rejuvenating yoga sequences. www.breathandsoul.net
Lisa L. Levine - A well known cantor, composer, poet, author, Rabbinic Pastor, chaplain and recording artist. She is the author of “Yoga Shalom” a popular Jewish Yoga and prayer embodiment book/DVD/CD and "Sound of Your Soul" . www.cantorlisalevine.com
Julie Emden - Julie is the Founding Director of Embodied Jewish Learning in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works as a Jewish educator, Iyengar-based yoga instructor and movement/expressive artist, and guides others in exploring Jewish wisdom, text and practices via the body. www.embodiedjewishlearning.org/
Marcus J Freed - Marcus is co-founder of the Jewish Yoga Network, event organiser, and award-winning author of several bestselling books - The Kosher Sutras: A Yogi’s Guide to the Torah, The Kabbalah Sutras: A Yogi’s Guide to Counting the Omer and The Festive Sutras: A Yogi’s Guide to Shabbat and Jewish Festivals. He has taught Jewishly-inspired yoga for over 100 Jewish communities in 18 countries. www.marcusjfreed.com
Maxine Levy - Maxine is a co-founder of Jewish Mindfulness Meditation is a unique voice within Alyth Synagogue, a Jewish Reform community in London. It offers a space to uplift the spirit, clear the mind and create fresh purpose for our lives from a Jewish perspective. https://bit.ly/2QHCjRv
Rabbi Yonah Bookstein - Rabbi Yonah is an internationally recognized spiritual leader and organizer with 26 years experience in Jewish community leadership, non-profits, informal education, and immersive Jewish experiences. He is the co-founder of Pico Shul, Shabbat Tent, and Kesher Institute. www.kesherseminar.com/
Roland Brandman - Roland is the chairman of HaMakom, the leading British charity for Jewish mindfulness and meditation. He is also a professional chazzan, a lawyer and a member of the Athenaeum Club. He is currently writing a book on Jewish foundations for a meditative spirituality. www.hamakom.community
Steve Gold - Steve has been an inquiring, practicing and teaching Jewish Yogi for 45 years. Emphasis on meditation/yoga beyond the mat, connections between Torah and Veda spirituality. www.yajcenter.blogspot.com
BIBLIYOGA www.bibliyoga.com
BREATH AND SOUL www.breathandsoul.net
CANTOR LISA LEVINE www.cantorlisalevine.com
EMBODIED JEWISH LEARNING www.embodiedjewishlearning.org/
HAMAKOM https://hamakom.community/
FREEDTHINKING www.freedthinking.com
KABALAH YOGA www.kabalahyoga.com
KESHER INSTITUTE https://kesherseminar.com/
KOSHER YOGA www.kosheryoga.net
LEV SHALEM YOGA https://sharonepsteinyoga.com/lev-shalem
ROI COMMUNITY www.roicommunity.org/
SHABBHAKTI www.shabbhakti.com
TORAH YOGA www.torahyoga.com
TORAH-VEDA www.yajcenter.blogspot.com
Around the world with Jewish yogis
During November 2017 our International Jewish Yoga Festival co-ordinator Lisa L. Levine ran a remarkable series of classes with Aleph, that was co-sponsored by the Jewish Yoga Network. There were renowned yoga and meditation teachers from across five continents who led a superb range of classes incorporating Jewish themes in the lead-up to Chanukah.